Resumes That Get Jobs
There exists a common misconception that resumes get jobs. But resumes don’t get jobs. Only interviews get jobs. Resumes get interviews. But not every resume gets interviews.
There are a variety of reasons for this. Sometimes experience simply does not match the job requirements. But what if your experience is a dead-on match for the job? Why is there no invitation to an interview? It is generally agreed is that most resumes never pass computerized filters and never make it to anybody’s desk; certainly not that of the hiring manager.
This unfortunate outcome has to do with the lay-out and format of the resume document. The truth is that most resumes are no longer compatible with modern hiring processes. Since the 1970s there has been an explosion of technological advances, but resumes have not kept up. Resumes are still written in the same old way, the same old style, the same old lay-out, with the same old phrases and submitted accompanied by the same old cover letters. Today, a new approach is required. Resumes should be thought of as marketing tools; tools to market the candidate, and this requires a new way of resume creation: New lay-outs, structure, phrasing and visual presentation.
Our recommendation is to optimize your resume with our free Resume Template. Simply cut & paste your resume into the template. You will have more success. We practically guarantee it.