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Interview Coaching

Interview Coaching

It would be great if interviews always went swimmingly well. But unfortunately the majority of them are not successful. Many times there are unforced errors by interviewees which are totally avoidable. Nobody can coach job seekers for every contingency. Once in the arena you are on your own. But there are common pitfalls in all interviews and the smart interviewee prepares to avoid them, will have greater numbers of successful interviews and receive more and better job offers. We will coach you on:


Why talk about interviews?

How hard do you play?

What is the purpose of the interview?

Components of job offers


Getting ready

Researching the employer

Proper attire

Being on time

Travel & overnight stays

In the Reception Area


The Application Form

It’s all about Credibility

Minimum does not exist

How to get what you want


In the interview

Breaking the ice

“Tell me about yourself”

Passion and Enthusiasm

Interviews are two-way streets

The best way of interviewing

When to stop asking questions

Staying on safe ground

Behavior based interviews

Being promotable

About your weaknesses

Meetings over meals

The end of the interview


Reasons for looking

Positive reasons

You are unhappy with your job

You lost your job


After the interview

Keep the “thank you” brief

Waiting for a decision

You receive a competing offer

You like A better than B

Hold the presses

You have three options

Employer A makes the offer late

The offer is too good to be true

About Counter Offers


Your circumstances are special

Personalized consultation