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Pharmaboard is the premier Specialty Site for Job Seekers in API,

Biotech, Rx Pharma & OTC Research and Manufacturing Organizations.

Utilizing over 30 years of successful pharmaceutical recruiting

experience, the site links Job Seekers with Employers anywhere in U.S.

and worldwide with extraordinary search results. It enables Job Seekers

to discover previously unexplored innovative and exciting companies

and become part of, and contributors to, their success.


Thousands of companies. Tens of thousands of careers!

Free of Charge!

Utilizing Pharmaboard® for searches, resume submissions and acceptance of job offers is FREE. The only REQUIREMENT is to AFFIX THE LOGO below to the top of your resume prior to submission.

Mission Critical Jobs

Key words determine whether a resume makes it to the hiring manager successfully or not at all. Selecting the right key words to highlight your unique qualifications is the difference between success and failure. With over 30 years of pharmaceutical recruiting experience we are offering to optimize your resume, free of charge. Selecting the right key words plus an ‘easy-on-the-eye’ lay-out and concise presentation will produce your most powerful resume ever! You will experience exponentially greater numbers and more successful interviews. We practically guarantee it! And we do it as a courtesy.
Free of Charge!

Upload your resume. We will respond upon receipt.