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Post-Covid19 Job Markets

The Post-Covid19 world will experience two dramatic developments: The drastic withdrawal of essential supply chains from China, resulting in dramatically increased pressures on corporate recruiting groups because of substantially decreased availability of qualified talent.

Fossilized Recruiting Tools!

There have been no new recruiting tools since last Century! For the last 25 years, employers and job seekers have been limited to barely adequate results from job ads, job boards, resume sites, and an increasingly chaotic internet. Company Websites, which job seekers cannot find without first knowing company names, have remained underutilized. Until now!

New strategies for new realities!

PHARMABOARD® is utilized by thousands of job seekers who are looking for innovative and exciting new employers, which they cannot find any other way.  The unique and groundbreaking nature of Pharmaboard® is that prior knowledge of company names and URLs is not required. Searched either by Job Location, Industry Specialty, or Business Type, Pharmaboard® links visitors to company website career pages anywhere in the world, and enables them to respond online to any job, free of charges or fees.

Advanced Website Links

The core problem for every company other than the small group of advantaged international giants is the lack of universal name recognition. Companies experience almost impossible odds in the effort of overcoming this impediment. PHARMABOARD® eliminates this handicap by focusing on connecting job seekers with employer websites without the need of name recognition.

Banner Ads

Banner ads are displayed on every search result page on the site and on the internet. Job seekers will connect with your website career pages with one click of the mouse.

Featured Employers / Featured Posts

Featured Employers and Featured Posts have their own Featured Ad pages. You can use your own ad lay-out or utilize our ad format, which includes your company logo.

Highlighted Directory Listings

Include your logo, name, company description and attention-getting text. Listings are displayed in prominent positions at or

near the top of every pertinent search results page in the Employer Directory with hyperlinks to company website job listings.

Standard Directory Listings

Standard listings have decided competitive advantages by including text that shines a spotlight on your company. Listings appear on all relevant search results pages throughout the site. They are the most economically priced listings in the Employer Directory.


Listings are billed and payable in advance. The minimum initial listing is 3 months, payable in full. After the initial period, listings are billed and payable monthly.

Listings are automatically renewed unless canceled no later than five (5) days before expiration of current listings.

Pricing is subject to change prior to each new billing period but can be locked-in by agreement for extended periods.

Better Strategies / Better Results!